Within every person lies innate leadership ability.  Some individuals seem to be natural, or born, leaders.  Others may need convincing that those qualities are deep within them.  Leaders are simply influencers…and every person has influence, whether for good or for bad, on someone or something. 

Upward movement.  That’s the goal in life, isn’t it?  No matter whether it’s personal, career, recreation, etc.  We've yet to meet someone stating they want downward movement in their life.  Yet why do so few achieve what they want to achieve?  Why do so few ascend to the heights they picture for themselves?  There can be many answers to those questions; usually the answer is found deep within the person.


We work with former collegiate & pro athletes, military veterans & businessmen who are looking for the challenge to rise above traditional coaching models toward true leadership. Our no-holds-barred focus includes accountability, identity, strengths, power and self-discipline. We achieve this with authentic relationship through individual & group coaching, challenge retreats & asking tough questions.